2024 Board of Directors – Officers

Randy Pitz

President, CPWA Board of Directors Representative, and Outreach and Strategic Partnerships Committee Chair

Randy is an innovative professional with significant public sector experience. His collaborative style brings people together through team building, partnerships and integrating ideas to collectively problem solve.

As the world changes there is a never ending need to have strong Public Work Workforce. Often unnoticed they provide all our services for our communities. Randy is a champion of professional development for all Public Works Professionals and works to provide recognition of these important workers.

Steve Blayney

Past President, Council of Chapters Representative, Past-Presidents Representative, and Scholarships

I worked for a Heavy Construction company for 35 years looking after the asphalt, concrete and sewer & water construction projects in Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Ontario.I have been on the BOD of the Manitoba Chapter for about 20 years and Chapter president 3 times. I served on the Canadian Public Works Association BOD for 7 years and was the National President.

I am currently on the Council of Chapters ( COC ) and was previously on the House of Delegates for 3 years before the name was changed to the COC.

Darren Wanless

President-elect, and Communication Committee Chair

Darren Wanless First Joined CPWA in 1997 and has served on the board at previous times in the past. Darren joins CPWA this time as President of Wanless Geo-Point Solutions, a survey and geomatics service provider working on public works projects throughout Manitoba for various levels of government, Construction and Engineering firms, and utilities providing survey and layout, Machine Control, Drone/UAV, Lidar and education services.

Lorie Gavelin


Rob Loudfoot


Justin Wiebe

Social and Fundraising Committee Chair

Kevin Medeiros

Education and Awards Committee Chair

I have been involved with public works/waterworks for 20 years. From equipment operator to assistant water treatment operator. I have been the Operations Manager for 5 years. I think being apart of the public works sector is a very rewarding job. Every time you go out to work something in the public eye gets worked on. Being involved in the Public works association has been a good learning curve.


David Atkins

Public Works Director, RM of Lac dubonnet

Jeremy Harrison

Jeremy Harrison brings over 20 years of experience from Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure, specializing in highway maintenance and preservation work. As Director of the Preservation and Support Services branch, Jeremy oversees budgeting, program delivery, and emergency response coordination with a commitment to innovation and collaboration and is a key supporter of public works initiatives.

Keenan Boles

Civil Engineer Technologist & Registered member of CTTAM

Over 12 Years’ experience in Public Works field

Co-Chair for ‘2024 Great Canadian Snow Show’ presented by CPWA MB Chapter

Neil Mac Laine

Director of Public Works, City of Thompson

Peter McDougall

Ryan Sicinski

Ryan is a 25 year Public Works employee with the City of Selkirk. Starting his career in Parks and Recreation, then navigating over to the Public Works department as an equipment operator. He attended school in the evenings/weekends to better his understanding of Management, aiding in his current role as Manager of Public Works. Roads, Sidewalks, Active Transportation, Land Drainage, Solid Waste and Recycling are a few of the areas that Ryan over sees with his team.

He enjoys learning new things and bringing them back to his community.


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